The Quick Cut: A breakdown of the more positive aspects for a handful of neurological disorders, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, autism, and ADHD.
A Real Review:
Being diagnosed with a neurological condition can be a very traumatizing experience. I would know, I've been diagnosed with three in my lifetime (so far). With the doctors, medications, and coping mechanisms, it easily turns into a situation where you can feel like a defunct person - as if you're missing something everyone else was born with. You can start to turn on yourself in a really negative way and see it your condition as this purely terrible thing in your life that you live to overcome.
This book exists to combat that feeling and that common perspective. I've been recently struggling to see the positives in my Asperger's and Anxiety disorders - and this book definitely helped change my perspective to see things in a new light.
Not only does it give you that positive perspective, it also makes suggestions for each condition about which careers would best suit you and provide real examples of this happening. There's plenty of research also included and explanations on how the brain works differently for these conditions.
The conditions covered in the book are:
Intellectual Disabilities
In the back of the book are also a litany of other books, websites, and films for the conditions if you want to learn more (which is super handy).
The only issue I had with this book is that it's almost too positive. Don't get me wrong - these disorders need to be seen in a more positive light. Far too often, you say one of the above and everybody in the room flinches instinctively. However, it's just a different way of functioning - with good and bad. It's a balance of both, which I would really like to see more of in these types of books.
My rating: 4.5 out of 5