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Under the Surface by Diana Urban

The quick cut: Four teens end up trapped in the catacombs under Paris and running for their lives.

A real review:

Traveling and seeing new places can be fun, but what if you took that thrill of adventure too far? For Ruby, that's a real problem when she gets trapped in the catacombs of Paris.

Ruby has a YouTube channel dedicated to travel, but this is the first real trip she's been able to take. Having worked overtime to make sure she gets to do everything she hoped on the senior trip, she is enjoying everything that Paris has to offer. So when a classmate and friend of hers goes to meet up with a guy for a party, she tries to stop her and ends up lost in the Paris catacombs instead. Can they survive? Or is something sinister underground?

I found the description for this book fascinating when I saw it at my library and decided to pick it up. I've never been happier that I did so! The story was thrilling and adventurous with a touch of horror vibe to it. The fact that the author made it take place in the Paris catacombs only makes it even better.

The story is narrated by two teens: Ruby and Sean. Ruby has a YouTube channel and an overprotective father. Sean has a father with control issues and a military future he doesn't want. These two have feelings for one another that they have not shared. The events of the book only further encourage them to admit they exist. Seeing how Ruby tries to escape while Sean tries to find her adds an essential emotion component that keeps me as a reader interested.

There are other characters and relationships tested, but they aren't the focus. Plus, it's hard to discuss them without spilling secrets. If you enjoy stories that make your heart race, this one will be a win for you.

A scary story that will entertain you until the end.

My rating: 5 out of 5


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