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  • Writer's pictureMichelle

To Live Would be an Awfully Big Adventure...

Ohhh I'm so excited right now to be finally doing this blog! I know there's a million book blogs out there, but hopefully you find that what I'm doing here is unique enough to intrigue you, interest you, or suggest a book!

Like my about section says, my name is Michelle and I have Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy, which I was diagnosed with at 12 years old. Even as a kid I was a total introvert and really didn't have many friends. I preferred the friends I made in my books as they seemed to share my sense of wonder and curiosity.

So being diagnosed with the Epilepsy and being told that it was causing brain damage? Yeah, that's a little traumatic. I turned to books to find the answers, but I got frustrated when I couldn't find one with Epilepsy! It took years of research, reading, and appointments before I felt comfortable in my own skin again.

Skip forward 18 years (ish) to 3 months ago when I got diagnosed with Asperger's at 30 years old. It's high functioning Autism and again, I turned to books for the answers. This time it was easier to find books with the answers I sought, but still such a struggle and I couldn't help but wonder how many others out there must be feeling the same as me. I wish there was a book index that told me what books had what conditions or topics so I could read about them - fiction or non-fiction.

Which leads me to here... Creating this blog and somewhat wondering how much trouble I'm signing myself up for. However, if you don't take risks, you'll never know what you're capable of. Plus, call me cliche, but I'm a big believer in supporting one another - especially with invisible struggles.

Let me know what you think, what you love, and what you want to see more of!

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