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This Is Not A Horror Story by Andrea Portes

The Quick Cut: A teen girl spends her summer house sitting for a wealthy couple and finds the house fights back against her presence.

A Real Review: October is known for being the Halloween season. Anyone who relishes in this season lives on horror films and frightening stories. However, what would you do if you found that the house you're living in doesn't want you there? This is the case for Daffodil. Daffodil has plans after graduating from high school: to spend a quiet summer earning cash to pay for college. She's doing it by house sitting for a wealthy couple. It seems like easy enough cash to make, but the more time she spends in the house, the more odd things happen. Is it all in her head or is something else going on? The description for this book intrigued me enough to continue to read this one, even with so many negative reviews. That being said, I should have listened to the negative reviews in this case - it has short excitable moments, but with an absolutely predictable ending. It negates any of the thrill of the story and made me eye roll at the waste of time. Daffodil is a girl on the edge of the rest of her life. She has everything to gain in her future and a lot about her says that it will be bright. The more the story continues, the more you see her start to lose sight of that. The strangeness of the situation gets to her and makes her do unusual things. This story may have rated better if I enjoyed the ride more, but I didn't. One of the secondary characters, a neighbor, was so obnoxious that I wanted her to go away. Too over the top and didn't keep the thriller horror vibe going. A horror story that doesn't give you the chills. My rating: 2.75 out of 5

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