The Quick Cut: Guy meets girl in club. Girl breaks guy's heart. Guy and girl end up in sticky situation together. Steamy interactions here.
A Real Review:
Matt meets June at Panic when she's confronted by a drunk male patron trying to get past her. The fact she responds by dumping her drink on him only makes me like her as much as Matt does.
Too bad it's all a total sham. Eventually Matt ends up in handcuffs and June disappears. Then 18 months later and many investigators paid, June shows up named April and it's clear their relationship isn't what it seemed. Insert blowout argument in public here.

That's all backstory, which takes up 40% of the book. A little excessive if you ask me.
Then April gets a beat down, ends up in the hospital via a coma, and Matt ends up taking her in.
While that all sounds totally plausible, my brain immediately started punching holes in it. If you thought the guy was a drug dealer via his club, why would you sleep with him? Then when he got arrested, continue to get him off the hook? That puts you in an awful position, especially if you end up being wrong here.

April has Crohn's disease, which I admittedly knew almost nothing about before this. Apparently it effects 700,000 people in the United States and begins between the ages of 15-35. There's no cure and no known cause, although genetics is believed to be a possibility. It causes inflammation of the digestive tract, from the mouth all the way to the end. It can be super painful and we experience this with April and Matt, especially in Chapter 6. This also leads to a huge moment between the two bonding and learning about each other.
April has Crohn's disease, which I admittedly knew almost nothing about before this. Apparently it effects 700,000 people in the United States and begins between the ages of 15-35. There's no cure and no known cause, although genetics is believed to be a possibility. It causes inflammation of the digestive tract, from the mouth all the way to the end. It can be super painful and we experience this with April and Matt, especially in Chapter 6. This also leads to a huge moment between the two bonding and learning about each other. April has Crohn's disease, which I admittedly knew almost nothing about before this. Apparently it effects 700,000 people in the United States and begins between the ages of 15-35. There's no cure and no known cause, although genetics is believed to be a possibility. It causes inflammation of the digestive tract, from the mouth all the way to the end. It can be super painful and we experience this with April and Matt, especially in Chapter 6. This also leads to a huge moment between the two bonding and learning about each other.
Overall, it's an enjoyable experience. However, I think she could've spent less time on the backstory here, more on present day, and made what April did a little less questionable (especially since what she did could have landed her in jail).
My rating: 3.5 out of 5