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Flawless Girls by Anna-Marie McLemore

The quick cut: A girl who has never been separated from her sister runs away the first night at a finishing school. Chaos ensues when her sister returns a completely different person and then disappears.

A real review:

Thank you to Feiwel & Friends for providing the arc for an honest review.

People change over time. Even those closest to us can become unrecognizable over time. So what would you do if that was your sibling? This is the case for Isla.

Isla and her sister Renata were sent to a prominent finishing school called the Alarie House to become prim and proper ladies of society. Night one though, Isla runs away and refuses to become one of the eerily sweet girls who finish. When her sister finishes and comes home, Isla doesn't even recognize her before she disappears overnight. What did the Alarie House do to Renata? Can Isla discover the truth going back?

I was definitely the wrong audience for this book, so consider that when it comes to my rating here. The book is like a fever dream that finishes before it feels like it's started and it uses flowery language that makes you wonder what was real. There's very little reality to really cling to in this tale and by the end, you have more questions than answers. I hate that feeling.

I couldn't connect with Isla as a character, but I've also never had the struggles she has. Someone who relates to how she feels would definitely love her journey more. That connection to her family is a good thing though, its what seems to matter most to her.

A book that leaves you wondering what just happened and what if anything was real.

My rating: 3 out of 5

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